I'm having one of those days. It could be because I'm extremely exhausted. Blah.
I've just been making a list for myself of the way too many websites I'm a member of. I don't log in enough to remember user names and passwords. A list is a must for me.
Anyway, I remembered the Dogster.com and Catster.com memberships I have, and the fact that I hadn't updated since early 2010. This means my page for Cocoa says she's another year older, when the reality is she's been gone since July last year.
I had to sign in and edit the page... click the little box that says she's no longer with us and add RIP to her name.
It's depressing.
And yes, I do realize it's extremely cheesey to have social networking sites for my pets. I don't care, though.
Cocoa's page: Click Me.
In other news... not much is going on. My family is having another "sewing bee" or "sewing circle" today. I don't sew. I serve as the slave when I attend. Good times. This is all I really have to say today. I'm too exhausted to think of anything more interesting.
RIP Cocoa you were the best kitty