For starters, I'm poor. We have borrowed money from 3... no, make that 4 different people just to be able to make rent and get a little groceries for the week. Plus, a good friend raided her own cabinets and freezer to give us something to eat.
Why is this happening? Well, everything is going downhill one at a time, right after another. Our car over heated not once, but TWICE a couple of Friday's ago. We were stuck at home for over a week but please don't get me started on why that pisses me off. The Sunday after our car "died"... my dog Ezie got bit by a spider or something. Her face swelled up like a balloon. We had Brian run up to the store to get some children's Benadryl, but we were nervous on the dose because Ezie's so small. We gave her a really small amount, and I had her resting for a few hours. When I checked on her again, however, she was even more swollen and one of her eyes was nearly swollen shut.
Luckily, a close friend (who I grew up knowing as my unofficial step dad), had offered to drive us to the emergency pet hospital if need be. So we called him, and he drove us on over. Ezie got taken back within a minute of arrival. She got a couple of injections and her swelling was already going down before we even left, about an hour later. She's completely fine and dandy now.
All that being said... emergency vet visits are not cheap. Emergency car repair is not cheap. There have been a couple other things in the last month, on top of everything else, that has led to us not being able to grocery shop well or make our rent payment. One thing being our water/sewer/trash bill that spiked out of nowhere to $40+ more than the previous month because of a billing policy change, and 6 new neighbors that moved in upstairs. It's CRAP I tell you. Pure crap.
All of this lack of money has led me to asking to do some work for my dad so I can get $60 to be able to attend a concert. It's a selfish move. We're short on rent (not now, thanks to borrowed money) and needing groceries. I shouldn't care so much about going to a concert. But what's that old saying, if all you have in your pocket is a dime, go get your shoes shined? I've known about this concert for months, but things kept happening and I hadn't been able to get the tickets. The concert is now TOMORROW, and though it's the worst possible time, I want to go. Had it not been for all the emergencies with the dog and the car, I would have gotten my tickets weeks ago. Rarely does anything fun crop up like this. Sometimes, when things are all going down the tubes, you just need to do something fun to take your mind off of it. So dammit, that's what I'm doing. Judge me, I don't care.
It's a Hanson concert, by the way.
In other news...
The wind changed directions yesterday morning. So all the smoke from a fire near Mount Hood covering the sky. While it was still blowing towards Portland yesterday, I was able to get a picture. So I just thought I'd share before I ended this post. TTFN!