Rain soothes me. I love rain. I don't understand people that hate rain. I even think people that use umbrellas have issues. The sound, the smell... It calms me. I love it. Yay rain. The only thing that can improve rain, is when it becomes snow. When everything is white and slow and quiet... aah yes.
What doesn't calm me... really loud vacuums. Grrr. I can't concentrate when this cleaning lady is cleaning. I swear she chose the loudest vacuum ever. Evil.
I've been having problems charging my phone. I am hoping a new charger solves the problem. If not... I'm screwed. And I will whine. A lot.
Random: I'm hungry.
I honestly wish I had more interesting things to talk about. When I do, I am rarely near a computer and then I forget what it was by the time I get to one. Fail. My new goal is to use this blog more... I just have to remember the more interesting things I have to say. I should send myself reminder texts or something when the inspiration hits me. I should text myself a reminder to text myself.
I love rain.. Tyrone never understands how I could just walk in the rain. as long as i have my glasses off i take my time. damn if i don't hate rain drops on my glasses.